4 tips to look the part when you’re the office newbie
Sometimes when you’re 20-something, you feel like the office child. You ride this emotional line of feeling psyched that you actually landed a job, and yet, at the same time, feeling like that little freshman entering college all over again. Your co-workers seem to be sooooo far down that road of life and you’re back on training wheels. Debra in accounting has an established family, her third on the way; Janice in HR just bought a vacation home…and the best small talk you can come up with is last night’s Family Guy episode.
You can’t help that you’re young and you shouldn’t wish the years away to play catch-up. But one way to nip the feeling that you’re sucking your thumb is to alter your outer appearance. You don’t have to change who you are, but playing dress up doesn’t hurt.
Four tips to feel empowered in the office: Read More